Tips for surviving and thriving the holidays

Do you always have great intentions and expectations for family gatherings but end up frustrated, resentful, disappointed? Here are 5 ways to thrive rather than survive family gatherings:-

  1. Be realistic. How can you enjoy the day without having an agenda for success?
  2. Simplify, minimise and prepare as much as you can in advance.
  3. Make a self-care plan, e.g., when will you rest, be in nature, listen to uplifting music.
  4. Take some time to reflect on the positive qualities and/or past positive actions of those who trigger you.
  5. To avoid or minimise misunderstandings, flare-ups and arguments take a piece of paper and create 2 columns
    • On the left list or draw challenges triggers and patterns that have come up before or are a strong possibility for your next meeting.
    • On the right list or draw actions, phrases, thoughts to avert a major incident eg
      Smile and count to 10
      Take a long slow exhale
      Leave the room
      Change the topic of conversation
      Remind/reinforce a boundary

If it doesn’t go to plan, be compassionate with yourself. There is a saying – if you think you are enlightened, go spend time with your family! The more realistic you are and the fewer expectations you have, the easier it is.

Feel free to email me and share your greatest challenges and I will create a resource to support you.