Ever wondered why us yogis keep asking you to notice, share your experience and how you feel? It gives the mind a positive focus and brings you into presence. This is why you feel so good at the end of the class.
Pure presence leads to calm, peace, and deep healing. It can illuminate the unknown and show when healing is complete. As a healer and teacher, I can guide, facilitate and support. The act of Presence is for you alone. In Presence you feel, befriend and integrate all parts of your being.
Presence is the ultimate expression of unconditional love.
It can be fascinating but not always easy or comfortable. I’ve discovered missing pieces of my story, catalysed tears and bathed in lightness of the release. When the time is right and I’m able to hold it, something new arises. This is the highest form of practice.
There is a space in the mandala of life that only you can fill.
Regular practice develops your presence muscle. Start small, where you are with something that works for you. Free flow movement, doodling, are as valid as silent, structured practices. Let it develop as you do. Be gentle and compassionate. There is a reason for your feelings and vulnerabilities, knowing and unknown. You are special, worthy and belong because and in-spite of everything.
We become Whole when in Pure presence of the Self. There is peace and unity.
Om shanti, shanti, shanti.
With unconditional love,