Archive Yoga Aylesbury

The most effective YOGA pose for fatigue, stress & reducing pain

When I am in the midst of admin or had a long day I so need to do this pose and want to share with you. I find a few minutes a day is life changing ! What are the triggers or times when you really need a quick pick me up? This one pose can:

  • Energy levels increase
  • Calmness develops
  • Digestion improves
  • Immune system is supported
  • Clarity and decision making become easier
  • Pain is often reduced or eliminated
  • Relaxation replaces tensions throughout the body
  • Breath settles supporting all body systems
  • Creates a sense of well-being

Drum roll…. Ta dah! The most effective YOGA pose for fatigue, stress & reducing pain is a modified savasana – semi supine – lying with knees bent and feet on the floor!

The most effective YOGA pose for fatigue, stress & reducing pain - semi-supine savasana - calm - relax - flexibility - core strengthTips:

  • If you are not comfortable getting up/down from the floor, practice on your bed or in a chair.
  • If it is more comfortable lie on your side and experiment with a cushion between your knees – in 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy lie on left side.
  • Place a small book or cushion under your head to lengthen the back of the neck. You want the ear to be parallel to the floor.


Regular practice results gives fastest results. Your body will associate this pose with all the positive benefits.

  • Start with 3-5 minutes once a day
  • Build to 5 minutes twice a day
  • Longer if experiencing fatigue, anxiety, aches and pains, try 20 minutes 2 or 3 times daily.

What to do/think about:

  • Stay present and awake if possible
  • Notice – without judgement
  • What sensations are in your body?
  • How is your breath?
  • Where does your mind want to go?

The practice will be just as it is meant to be:

  • You may notice nothing or many things
  • There may be resistance
  • You may want to zone out or sleep
  • Keep returning to the ‘now’ your body on the mat

The more you return to the present moment the deeper the practice. It’s about being real with whatever shows up. I would love to hear how you get on please contact me.






Tips for surviving and thriving the holidays

Do you always have great intentions and expectations for family gatherings but end up frustrated, resentful, disappointed? Here are 5 ways to thrive rather than survive family gatherings:-

  1. Be realistic. How can you enjoy the day without having an agenda for success?
  2. Simplify, minimise and prepare as much as you can in advance.
  3. Make a self-care plan, e.g., when will you rest, be in nature, listen to uplifting music.
  4. Take some time to reflect on the positive qualities and/or past positive actions of those who trigger you.
  5. To avoid or minimise misunderstandings, flare-ups and arguments take a piece of paper and create 2 columns
    • On the left list or draw challenges triggers and patterns that have come up before or are a strong possibility for your next meeting.
    • On the right list or draw actions, phrases, thoughts to avert a major incident eg
      Smile and count to 10
      Take a long slow exhale
      Leave the room
      Change the topic of conversation
      Remind/reinforce a boundary

If it doesn’t go to plan, be compassionate with yourself. There is a saying – if you think you are enlightened, go spend time with your family! The more realistic you are and the fewer expectations you have, the easier it is.

Feel free to email me and share your greatest challenges and I will create a resource to support you.

Create your own sanctuary

Whatever your home situation you can create an area dedicated to reflection and rest. For quiet time away from the turmoil and unpredictability of life.

If you struggle to detach from life and take time out having a special place or Sanctuary will help. You can create a space to support you to relax, meditate, reflex, and be with yourself. Have you tried sitting in the kitchen with all the comings and goings of the family or in the living room with the TV playing? There are times and places in your home where there are many obstacles to being still and others that help the process, aiding you to settle and be open to insights and inspiration. 

You may need you to get creative, but it is possible to create a harmonious space to connect with yourself, your calm centre and intuition. Be realistic, how much space do you have? For most of us a dedicated room is not realistic but if you have one great. If not how about a temporary space where you can place a chair, mat or blanket when you use it.?

If you are living in a busy household, choose times to visit your sanctuary when you are least likely to be disturbed. Negotiate quiet time with others or consider headphones with white noise.

Make an intention for this space to be your sanctuary – when you set it up and every time go there. The energy will build and you will associate it with positive qualities.

Choose an object to evoke a the quality of sacred, whatever that means for you – a photo of a deity, or teacher – a crystal -something from nature – anything of special significance. These may need to be portable and put in place every time you use the space or you may have a shelf, window ledge, a small table etc.

I have something to represent the elements, water, fire/candle, air/feather and earth/crystal. You may like to focus on the senses and play gentle music, use aromas, a soft cushion. Be guided by what you have and your intuition.

I would love to see a picture of your sanctuary, please post it on my Facebook page or email me.

Yoga Healing Aylesbury


6 Ways Yoga Supports Your Healing

  1. Your story and ancestry are held within the body.
  2. Regular time to be present (can be humbling, insightful and healing ????).
  3. Self-awareness, self-love, and self-compassion develop.
  4. Healing emotions brings freedom to the body.
  5. Chakras align and aura clear.
  6. Grounding and relaxation are the foundational for change, healing, and integration.

For advice on starting or deepening your practice email Suzan to book a complimentary online consultation.

The Only Certainty Is Change

The Future is yet to be Written

Life has a wonderful way of catching our attention. What was certain becomes uncertain. Unexpected, unwelcome or ‘oh no not again’ situations shake our world – relationships, work, health.

Yoga teaches that the only certainties are change and death. Resisting ‘what is’ impacts our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is exhausting. Accepting saves a huge amount of energy. We don’t have to like it. Remember it too will change. View with curiosity. Something new may arise – perhaps even better than before.

Everything is here to help you”. Matt Kahn.

Change can be a catalyst – an opportunity or a gift. Granted this ‘gift’ can be very heavily disguised! Consider it as a ‘wakeup call’ from the universe – time to do things differently. Take a leap of faith.

Well-being practices are more important than ever although they can be hard to maintain in times of turmoil. It is important to be resourced and calm. When we are in stress or overwhelm objectivity is impossible or unreliable.

The body holds your story and history. It holds great wisdom too.

Practice calming breathing techniques
Learn to relax.
Take time for yourself – be still, quiet, walk, meditate, and notice.

The answers lie within.

Raja yoga the yoga of Patanjali prescribes Self-study/ discovery. As we align with our true Self and intuition, we see beyond the egoic mind. This entraps us in old, outdated ways trying to keep us safe. We may feel ‘safe’ but stuck too. Struggles, stress, and drama may be our ‘familiar’/ ‘normal’. The place we subconsciously return.

The first step is Awareness accompanied by Acceptance.

Mindful yoga is a wonderful way to get to know our Self ‘warts and all’. Notice feelings and sensations in the body. What thoughts and emotions are present?

Return to Wholeness

Start with movement. Notice what is happening in your body right now.

I feel in harmony with my body”.
“Yoga allows me to land and connect to my body and release”.
“I now know what it is to be present!! 🙂 :)”.
“I enjoyed being in my body”.

Breath connects the body and mind. Techniques can calm, stimulate, or balance.  Your breath reveals more subtle information than the body. It is the yogi’s best friend.

Relaxation completes the nervous system reset to rest and digest, parasympathetic state.

Meditative practices develop our relationship with Self. With compassion, curiosity, and acceptance the soul wisdom can be heard.

The most important relationship is with Self. By nurturing our connection to Self we can create a new future.

Is it time to upgrade, start or kick-start your yoga journey?  

Email me to find out more.

The most popular relaxation aid in 20 years is….

Back by popular request for online sessions is Miss Georgia. Here she demonstrates plank posture.

plank posture demonstrated by Georgia the French bulldog

All I want is to be loved!

An unexpected outcome was the relaxing effect of her gentle, not so quiet breathing! Making Georgia’s gentle background snoring the most popular relaxation aid!! Haha. Take a listen.


7 Fascinating Yoga Facts!

In these times of increasing change I smile and remember that yoga says the only certainty is change! Yoga has a vast arrays of tools and potential to support us as we navigate life, health and change.

Did you know?

  1. Ancient Yoga texts 4 list paths to yoga: –
    Karma – the yoga of action
    Bhakti – the yoga of devotion
    Gyana/jnana – the yoga of knowledge/wisdom
    Raja – the royal path – an eight-step path to Self-realisation – Patanjali Yoga.
  2. Asana – Sanskrit for posture – means a comfortable seated position.
  3. Patanjali’s Yoga does not include any postures – it states postures should be both steady and comfortable.
  4. Yoga was taught 1 to 1 to men only.
  5. Indra Devi was the first western woman to be taught yoga in the early 1900’s (by Krishnamacharya of the viniyoga tradition).
  6. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a much later text which describes 15 postures, breathing techniques, mudras & bandhas.
  7. Yoga means unity – joining all parts of self with soul and the oneness.

Are you surprised?

Want to know more? Email me to find out how yoga can support you.

It’s Invisible, Magic & Can Change your Life

You are so much more than a body or mind. X-rays, kirlan photography etc. reveal an electric/electromagnetic energy field – prana, chi or life force energy. Everything including the earth have their own individual field which is part of the oneness/collective consciousness.


  • Each interaction whether in-person, online or tv has an impact on your energy.
  • Every thought and belief are imprinted in your energy field.
  • An automatic hug, rubbing a child’s grazed knee are ways you use energy for healing.

Energy follows your thoughts, discover more with yogaDeveloping your awareness with energy brings potential to positively upgrade your life.

Energy is invisible for most – some see a shimmer or colours, others feel, sense, know or intuit. No way is better or more advanced.

Connect with energy with:

  • Yoga – asana/postures, breathing and meditation.
  • Sound therapy
  • Healing

Join our online energy/healing circle to get started

The Healing Power of Yoga

Yoga is so much more than postures. It was the start of my spiritual and healing journey and supports me every day.

Come to the mat or a chair. Arrive in this moment. And notice. You are home. Your breath and nervous system settle. A sense of calm beckons as you move to the rhythm of the breath.

With awareness, curiosity and compassion stress and tightness release. Relaxation is now possible.

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions may bubble. Welcome them all. Give them space. Accept with Grace. Awareness, breath, and movement free the energy. For your body holds the story and answers.

Here and now all that matters is you. Resistance, challenging movement, or injuries deserve your compassion. Be open to emotions. This may be the only time they are heard. Give them space as you mindfully move. Watch but stay out of the drama.

Feel, sense, observe and know it is energy. Let it be ok and flow. Insight and new possibility can arise in this present moment. More movement may now be available. Many report reduced or no pain.*

From movement to breath to stillness.

Your practice takes you inwards. Reconnect with your essential nature and inner wisdom. It will guide you well.

Feeling calm and peaceful with a sense of well-being the session ends. Until next week.

Yoga Courses start 10th January. We are online with in-person workshops every other month. It is wonderful to welcome members from other countries and those who have moved areas.

✔“I attend far more classes now you are online”.
✔“I like not having to drive “.
✔“It is so easy; I just go into my living room “.
✔“Health issues mean I feel safer at home “.

After class I feel: –

Better, tranquil, more alive, beautifully stretched, upbeat, supple, settled, rested, relaxed, ready for bed, calm, integrated, peaceful, de-stressed, good, tingly, a different shape, ready for bed, smiley, complete.


“Each session brings a big smile; it allows me to land and connect to my body and release. A rare treat in a very full week.”

“I feel very safe in the classes, so my body relaxes as soon as I join.”

“I now know what it is to be present!”.

Your weekly practice will help integrate and ground therapy and healing sessions.

Weekly Online Yoga courses run from w/c 10th Jan to w/c 11th Apr 22

Yoga Aylesbury Online Healing


Mindful Yoga THERAPY & Relaxation
Gentle, therapeutic, and restorative – mostly lying.
Monday 6.00-7.15pm

Mindful Yoga & Relaxation
Relax, unwind, reconnect – from standing to lying.
Monday 7.45-9.00 pm

Chair Yoga
Gentle, safe, fun, and friendly group – no lying or kneeling.
Tuesday 10.30-11.30am

Complimentary breathing session
Tuesday 12.30-12.50pm

Yoga for Recovery
Self-nurture with movement, awareness and sharing.
Wednesday 6.00-7.30pm

Personal Yoga Sessions

Individual sessions tailed to your interests/needs. Develop a home practice or prepare to join a group class.

To find out more and book your place call Suzan on 07795 517157 or email her


*” I have no pain in my shoulder since I have been regularly attending yoga, I had previously been in pain for years.”

“I was in so much pain when I arrived, and it has all gone. I feel brand new.”

“Thank you for being so accommodating and adapting the postures for me, this personalisation means I continue to benefit from the sessions when I have aches and pains”

“I have osteoporosis and suffered from pain in my neck and joints. Since joining Suzan’s yoga class I have become stronger and have a greater range of movement.  I have been able to go hill walking again. My latest scan showed that my bone density had increased 3% in the spine and 10% in the hips.  I am delighted to have gained so much, usually the best aim is to maintain density and avoid any further reduction.”

“The morning after my first yoga class I got out of bed and for the first time in 3 years had no back pain! I also slept like a log which is very rare”

“I used to suffer regularly with lower back pain, but since joining your yoga class this is now a rare occurrence.”

“As a result of attending your classes I am considerably more mobile, I can carry quite heavy loads and the only time I get joint pain is when I have missed my Monday yoga session.”


I Might Not Have Made It…

It could have been very different. I may not have made it this far. The pull of addiction beckoned but even in the depths of my confusion, despair, and darkness I knew deep down it was not for me – not this time anyway… I didn’t have the understanding or later the words to express it but there was something keeping me going.

Beneath my wounding, conditioning and unhelpful habits resides a part of me with great wisdom, my Wise Woman. Untarnished by the ups and downs of life she is a quiet, calm, knowing guide. When I listen to her things go well. I had forgotten this part of me existed but every now and again she would try and make herself known. For decades my mind overrode her. She didn’t give up.

I found her through my yoga practice, walking in nature, in the pauses between thinking, planning, judging, and zoning out. She led me well and here I am sharing with you. Never in a million years did I think this would happen!

You came from nothing into physical form helpless and reliant on others. To navigate life, you developed strategies and behaviours to ensure that you survive, are fed, loved, or shielded from painful feelings and memories. This is when you start of the disconnect from your inner wisdom.

These parts or programmes which are vital to you as a child haven’t been updated. They get in the way of you living life fully as an adult. Next time you get upset or triggered notice your reaction, what age comes to mind? Perhaps you struggle for words or there are no words – possibly linked to preverbal events.

You may have no conscious memory as to why your programmes developed. There may be a transgenerational link. Yet everything is stored within your body. It holds your pain and the answers you are seeking.

“Trauma comes back as a reaction, not a memory”
Bessel Van Der Kokk

Your body is designed to heal and return to homeostasis. Pain, both physical and emotional, signals something is wrong. Life continues to bring you opportunities to process unfinished business. Events may seem unlinked, unfortunate, coincidental or there may be patterns – ongoing issues with romantic relationships, money, self-worth etc. All are opportunities to heal and be authentically you – not a punishment. The body is signalling it is time to change course. It is exhausting holding onto your wounding and story. I know, I tried extremely hard. Each release felt like it created a new me, lighter, brighter, and happier.

If I can do it you can too! 

Yoga in its fullest sense was my way out of these unhelpful repeating events. Every time I came onto my mat I was guided to connect with my body, then my breath and notice – I discovered my Wise Woman. She is my guide. Our relationship continued to deepen as I expanded my practice with healing and development tools. My trust built. I now trust her above everything. It is my joy and honour to guide you, and others, to connect with your inner wisdom.

Here’s how

Start with one step, something that is manageable and celebrate starting. Before you were oblivious. Now you are aware AND have taken a step towards your goal. It takes as long as it takes. There is no set route or technique. You can take the scenic route or go directly, navigating obstacles, getting stuck in dead ends – it doesn’t matter. I have done all and eventually moved on. Sometimes I would charge ahead, think I was complete only to find something else to consider. All the while I feel better, more alive and my relationships are easier. My sense is that this is a life-long practice, and it feels good. This is my life purpose. To find me and live authentically.

I will guide and support you.

What is your next step? Would group or private sessions best help you? 

Email me to get started.

With love and acknowledgement for all you have experienced, your challenges and potential.
