It’s all about you, where you are, where you are headed and what’s getting in the way.

Sessions include time tested Holistic practices tailored to your needs and interest. You will be encouraged to take an active part in your healing with a daily personalised home practice. Supported with an optional complimentary 10-minutes online follow up call and messaging check-ins (subject to fair use).

Support you at all stages of life including:-

Major life transitions and crises
Divorce, retirement, empty nest, redundancy.

Personal/Spiritual Development
Unravel the origins and answers to life patterns, sabotages and blocks.

Female health 
Fertility, pregnancy, menopause, positive ageing, mental well-being.

Enhanced quality of life for:-
Active Addiction Recovery
Post operative healing,
Chronic health challenges – eg. Fibromyalgia, MS, ME, arthritis, back/neck pain, stress, IBS, osteoarthritis, & Crohn’s disease.

Clients report improved health, happiness and sense of well-being, as well as increased self-awareness, understanding and confidence.

Yoga techniques complement both conventional and alternative medicine. My services are not intended as, or a substitute for, medical or psychiatric advice. Nor are they intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental.