
Chair Yoga @ Zoom
Feb 17 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A fun, friendly chair based yoga – mostly sitting some standing (using chair for support if needed). There is no lying,  kneeling or getting down and up from the floor. Suitable for beginners and those who want a safe, health and age appropriate practice. (current group age range 50’s to 80’s). Guidance, tips and reminders ensure your optimum benefit and safety. If you can breathe you can do yoga!

The class gives me more confidence with balance every day.

Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £150.00for 15 week course, payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course. EMAIL TO BOOK

Sessions include:-
  • Gentle stretching to ensure no strain on the joints
  • Breathing and relaxation
  • Personalised alternative movements


  • Maintain mobility, flexibility and balance
  • Support physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • Very friendly and welcoming
  • Social time (option to arrive 10 minutes early for a chat)

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

After class I feel:

Remarkably well, less achy, energised, more comfortable, proud, lively, supported, whole, peaceful, optimistic, relaxed, chilled, comfortably stretched, present, vibrant,  positive, rejuvenated, balanced, warm, stable, powerful, happy, strong, alive, quiet, freee, mellow, clear, stronger, present, more flexible, grateful, contemplative, supple, amazing, loved, more conscious, connected, self-aware,  beautiful, focused, calm, smooth, restored, peaceful, grounded, still, serene, aware, stress-free, more focused, content, so much better, I’ve come home.


My hands were so painful at start of class, it’s all gone now!

I arrived feeling depleted and tired and leave feeling energised, Thank you!

My wrists were very stiff at the start of the session and are much looser now.

I love the way we micro exercise our whole body.

My knees felt better at the end of class.

I can’t believe how amazing I feel after doing these little movements.

The deep breathing eased my pain.

I feel brand new.

I feel strong, confident, energised and balanced.

Please wear loose clothing for unrestricted movement.


Chair Yoga On Zoo


Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.




The class was both invigorating and relaxing.

Amazing how powerful micro movements are, it felt quite a workout!

I am much more conscious of my body and where it is.

I am surprised I managed as much as I did.

The session helped tremendously especially with my neck.

I feel several inches taller!

I enjoyed every moment.

The highlight of the week.

I feel lighter, a weight has lifted.

It was a very special session, I feel deeply peaceful and calm.

I was very conscious of what supported my body!

I was surprised I could do so much.

I was in so much pain when I arrived and it has all gone.

I found the whole class helpful.

I feel both energised and relaxed.

My knees feel better than when I started class.

I felt the energy and feel vibrant and alive.

Joining your yoga class is the best thing I have done all year!

Gentle Yoga & Relaxation @ Zoom
Feb 17 @ 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm

Gently move to the rhythm of your breath, just as far as is right for you today. No pressure, right or wrong instead what will be of most benefit to you. Rest when needed. Let the earth support your body. Unite with your inner wisdom/knowing  to find a calm sense of well-being.

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2024 – 15 sessions

Cost £180.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details.

Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Gentle stress, trauma, and recovery sensitive practices to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrive up to 10 minutes before we start for a chat and tech support.

Sessions include:

  • Slow, mindful movement and breathing calms body and mind.
  • Lying postures support therapeutic, strength and flexibility as needed.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives.
  • Yoga breathing techniques for energy balancing, mindfulness and peace.
  • Relaxation to energise re-vitalise and integrate the rewards of your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

This group is:

    • Restorative and gentle.
    • An holistic practice to calm your nervous system and restore a sense of well-being to body, mind/emotions and spirit.
    • Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.
    • Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

“Only by getting in touch with your body, by connecting viscerally with your self, can you regain a sense of who you are, your priorities and values.” BESSEL VAN DER KOLK – THE BODY HOLDS THE SCORE

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

The best thing about yoga is:-

Relaxing, stretching, sanity, life saver, makes me think about my body, being a whole person, personal space and me time, restful, breathing, meditation, peaceful, connection.

After class we feel:-

Beautifully stretched, enlivened, nourished, balanced, upbeat, supple, peaceful, settled, relaxed, calm, amazing, grounded, alive and tingly, rejuvenated, fabulous, better, awake, looser, more positive, strong, confident, energised, rejuvenated, stable, in my body, ready to try the next thing, so different from when I arrived. In my body :)!


I need this to do everything else in my day!

My anxiety has subsided, thank you.

So good to feel nicely stretched after a day sitting at a computer

My frozen shoulder from Rota cuff surgery is better since I joined your yoga class!

The classes are very supportive and beneficial.

I had a beautiful emotional release, tears flowed and now I feel WONDERFUL

Amazing how powerful micro movements can be, it felt quite a workout! and meant I continue classes with my injury.

So much more than a yoga class.

I feel the benefit and improvement each week.

A great way to start the week.

That was a really nourishing practice, perfect for this time of year, thank you.

My shoulders feel free and amazing.

It’s amazing you can do so much lying down.

I have much more room my lungs….

My eyes were sore when class started and now they are not :).

I didn’t know my body needed some of the movements – I did and feel a lot better.



Online Yoga Berkhamsted, London, Aylesbury HP19 8SR

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th January 2025 – 15 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £180.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.

If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.



I’m feeling the love

I notice small improvements each week

That was absolutely just right

I loved the refinement in the moves

I like the different ways we notice and move the body

I worked bits that needed moving.

I went to a lovely place in relaxation.

Many thanks for all your support; it makes such a difference.

As the class progressed I felt negative energy releasing.

I twinged my back yesterday, after todays session it feels fine.

The classes always hit the spot with whatever I am struggling with.

I feel I have worked every part of my body.

The class brought me down from all the stress I have been feeling.

I really enjoyed the class and feel so much better.

I love the variety. Every week there are movements that are particularly useful.

I am more centred and relaxed.

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING!

So much more than a yoga class.

I will really miss the classes over the summer.

Best nights sleep is yoga night.

I really feel so relaxed at the end of the class and it makes me feel ‘glad to be alive’!

The class really is the highlight of my week!

I feel alive now.

I am set up for the working week.

I feel life is a little less hectic now.

My shoulder (mouse hand) is a lot looser.

My headache has gone now.

I feel set up for a busy week, very balanced.

I feel rejuvenated and peaceful.

My shoulders and neck are now free, when I arrived they were set and tense.

It’s a super group of people.

As usual a great session and as usual I really felt the benefit.

I enjoy everyone having the chance to say a few words and ‘connect’.

Hatha Yoga & Relaxation @ Zoom
Feb 17 @ 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Shake, stretch, bend, twist, flow, release and realign. Progressively slow mind & body. Come into stillness. Reconnect with your essence.

I arrived in class with great anxiety now it’s in perspective and it really isn’t important!

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions
Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)
If there is space you may join part way through term.

Cost £180.00 for the course payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Friendly, stress/trauma/recovery sensitive, to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrivals from 10 minutes before start – chat and tech time.

Sessions include:

  • Mindful movement with the rhythm of your breath.
  • Postures and sequences flowing from movement to stillness.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives as needed.
  • Yoga breathing techniques to energise, relax and refocus.
  • Relaxation to energise and re-vitalise and integrate your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

You will:

  • Feel energised, calm and a sense of well-being
  • Find freedom and flexibility in body and mind.

Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.

Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

This is a very friendly, supportive group which works at its own ability, without competition:

  • Ideal for those looking for a balance of postures and relaxation.
  • Holistic – supporting body, mind/emotions and spirit.
  • Moderately energetic.

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

A lovely combination of slow movement, stretches and deep relaxation

After class I feel:

Welcomed, calm, relaxed, energised, peaceful, expanded, supple, supported, very happy, weightless, nice, calmer, looser, strong, amazing, positive, supple, reborn, lighter, motivated, thankful, settled, grounded, tingly, really good, more awake, better,  less tired, in my body, I have worked lots of areas that needed it. I have been put back together again. I will sleep really well tonight. I am not as tired as when I started.

Feedback from group members:

I feel like I had a massive hug, warm, safe, calm and relaxed

Yoga let’s the tiredness out, I yawn and yawn then suddenly I feel energised and alive.

All my tension has been wrung out!

In an hour we are completely changed people. From mind 19 to the dozen to calm, relaxed and recharged.

If I hadn’t have found your classes I am not sure how I would have got through very difficult times. FACT!

I find it easier and easier to be in the moment.

The micro movements reach places that aren’t otherwise accessed.

I appreciate the options you suggest.

I feel revived, connected and light

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING.

I had a mad day and feel loads better now.


stress, trauma, recovery sensitive yoga

Yoga Wye ValleyTrauma Informed



Next course starts Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions


  • £168.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.
  • If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.
  • If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.


I feel both re-energised and deeply relaxed.

My shoulder wasn’t right, it is much better now.

I feel I have really slowed down and relaxed.

I had the biggest off load of heaviness!

Thanks for the class, I’m feeling much better today and more stable.

Thank you Suzan and for all you are doing to help us stay sane in these odd times.

Not quite sure what you did yesterday in the yoga session but woke up this morning feeling really positive with energy and most productive day I’ve had in weeks, thank you.

I was aching and hot and didnt think I would enjoy the class, now I feel better and relaxed.

The session woke up parts that were sleepy from Christmas.

I feel at peace, calm.

The class was lovely, so lovely, it’s always just what I need 🙂

I almost didn’t come and am SO glad I did.

You have been a shining star when my life has been dark.

Knowing your support is there in the background is so reassuring.

It helped sort fuzziness in my head.

The stretches felt really powerful.

My back spasm had gone by the end of the session.

My shoulder feels better.

I feel fantastic now..

I have loosened up, I didn’t realise how tight I was!

The twisting was really good for my back.

You think you are ok but after class realise just how much you need yoga!

The class is always really good.


Yoga Therapy/Healing @ Online Yoga Sanctuary
Feb 20 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Yoga can support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges. In-fact Yoga sees all aspects of us as interrelated. It recognises that what is going on in the mind and emotions has a powerful effect on the body. But there are no prerequisites. Classical yoga is nothing to do with weight, shape/size and experience. If you can breathe you can practice yoga.

Yoga accepts us just as we are right NOW! 

Yoga has a wealth of information and tools. It invites curiosity with an open mind. We are invited to question and review our thoughts, assumptions and habits.

I will be delighted to help you find the right practice to move towards your goal.

My intention is to support and guide you based on 20+ years of years of experience and my intuitive gift. I will listen. We will collaborate. The result is a personally designed practice and an audio/video home practice to support you between meetings. This will be reviewed and updated as you are ready.

On the way you may discover that what you thought you needed has changed. Many report their goal was a way to get started. What they discover they need are practices to relax, engage the mind or settle the nervous system AND flexibility, core strength, ability to perform certain postures are a welcome by product!

Yoga is a holistic practice for healing and transformation.

Suzan is a Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapist, a Sound Healing Therapist and practitioner of alternative energy practices.

Single session – 90 minutes £95.

Block of 6 sessions each 60 minutes £390.

Email to book / check availability / my schedule.

Chair Yoga @ Zoom
Feb 24 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A fun, friendly chair based yoga – mostly sitting some standing (using chair for support if needed). There is no lying,  kneeling or getting down and up from the floor. Suitable for beginners and those who want a safe, health and age appropriate practice. (current group age range 50’s to 80’s). Guidance, tips and reminders ensure your optimum benefit and safety. If you can breathe you can do yoga!

The class gives me more confidence with balance every day.

Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £150.00for 15 week course, payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course. EMAIL TO BOOK

Sessions include:-
  • Gentle stretching to ensure no strain on the joints
  • Breathing and relaxation
  • Personalised alternative movements


  • Maintain mobility, flexibility and balance
  • Support physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • Very friendly and welcoming
  • Social time (option to arrive 10 minutes early for a chat)

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

After class I feel:

Remarkably well, less achy, energised, more comfortable, proud, lively, supported, whole, peaceful, optimistic, relaxed, chilled, comfortably stretched, present, vibrant,  positive, rejuvenated, balanced, warm, stable, powerful, happy, strong, alive, quiet, freee, mellow, clear, stronger, present, more flexible, grateful, contemplative, supple, amazing, loved, more conscious, connected, self-aware,  beautiful, focused, calm, smooth, restored, peaceful, grounded, still, serene, aware, stress-free, more focused, content, so much better, I’ve come home.


My hands were so painful at start of class, it’s all gone now!

I arrived feeling depleted and tired and leave feeling energised, Thank you!

My wrists were very stiff at the start of the session and are much looser now.

I love the way we micro exercise our whole body.

My knees felt better at the end of class.

I can’t believe how amazing I feel after doing these little movements.

The deep breathing eased my pain.

I feel brand new.

I feel strong, confident, energised and balanced.

Please wear loose clothing for unrestricted movement.


Chair Yoga On Zoo


Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.




The class was both invigorating and relaxing.

Amazing how powerful micro movements are, it felt quite a workout!

I am much more conscious of my body and where it is.

I am surprised I managed as much as I did.

The session helped tremendously especially with my neck.

I feel several inches taller!

I enjoyed every moment.

The highlight of the week.

I feel lighter, a weight has lifted.

It was a very special session, I feel deeply peaceful and calm.

I was very conscious of what supported my body!

I was surprised I could do so much.

I was in so much pain when I arrived and it has all gone.

I found the whole class helpful.

I feel both energised and relaxed.

My knees feel better than when I started class.

I felt the energy and feel vibrant and alive.

Joining your yoga class is the best thing I have done all year!

Gentle Yoga & Relaxation @ Zoom
Feb 24 @ 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm

Gently move to the rhythm of your breath, just as far as is right for you today. No pressure, right or wrong instead what will be of most benefit to you. Rest when needed. Let the earth support your body. Unite with your inner wisdom/knowing  to find a calm sense of well-being.

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2024 – 15 sessions

Cost £180.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details.

Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Gentle stress, trauma, and recovery sensitive practices to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrive up to 10 minutes before we start for a chat and tech support.

Sessions include:

  • Slow, mindful movement and breathing calms body and mind.
  • Lying postures support therapeutic, strength and flexibility as needed.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives.
  • Yoga breathing techniques for energy balancing, mindfulness and peace.
  • Relaxation to energise re-vitalise and integrate the rewards of your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

This group is:

    • Restorative and gentle.
    • An holistic practice to calm your nervous system and restore a sense of well-being to body, mind/emotions and spirit.
    • Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.
    • Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

“Only by getting in touch with your body, by connecting viscerally with your self, can you regain a sense of who you are, your priorities and values.” BESSEL VAN DER KOLK – THE BODY HOLDS THE SCORE

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

The best thing about yoga is:-

Relaxing, stretching, sanity, life saver, makes me think about my body, being a whole person, personal space and me time, restful, breathing, meditation, peaceful, connection.

After class we feel:-

Beautifully stretched, enlivened, nourished, balanced, upbeat, supple, peaceful, settled, relaxed, calm, amazing, grounded, alive and tingly, rejuvenated, fabulous, better, awake, looser, more positive, strong, confident, energised, rejuvenated, stable, in my body, ready to try the next thing, so different from when I arrived. In my body :)!


I need this to do everything else in my day!

My anxiety has subsided, thank you.

So good to feel nicely stretched after a day sitting at a computer

My frozen shoulder from Rota cuff surgery is better since I joined your yoga class!

The classes are very supportive and beneficial.

I had a beautiful emotional release, tears flowed and now I feel WONDERFUL

Amazing how powerful micro movements can be, it felt quite a workout! and meant I continue classes with my injury.

So much more than a yoga class.

I feel the benefit and improvement each week.

A great way to start the week.

That was a really nourishing practice, perfect for this time of year, thank you.

My shoulders feel free and amazing.

It’s amazing you can do so much lying down.

I have much more room my lungs….

My eyes were sore when class started and now they are not :).

I didn’t know my body needed some of the movements – I did and feel a lot better.



Online Yoga Berkhamsted, London, Aylesbury HP19 8SR

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th January 2025 – 15 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £180.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.

If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.



I’m feeling the love

I notice small improvements each week

That was absolutely just right

I loved the refinement in the moves

I like the different ways we notice and move the body

I worked bits that needed moving.

I went to a lovely place in relaxation.

Many thanks for all your support; it makes such a difference.

As the class progressed I felt negative energy releasing.

I twinged my back yesterday, after todays session it feels fine.

The classes always hit the spot with whatever I am struggling with.

I feel I have worked every part of my body.

The class brought me down from all the stress I have been feeling.

I really enjoyed the class and feel so much better.

I love the variety. Every week there are movements that are particularly useful.

I am more centred and relaxed.

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING!

So much more than a yoga class.

I will really miss the classes over the summer.

Best nights sleep is yoga night.

I really feel so relaxed at the end of the class and it makes me feel ‘glad to be alive’!

The class really is the highlight of my week!

I feel alive now.

I am set up for the working week.

I feel life is a little less hectic now.

My shoulder (mouse hand) is a lot looser.

My headache has gone now.

I feel set up for a busy week, very balanced.

I feel rejuvenated and peaceful.

My shoulders and neck are now free, when I arrived they were set and tense.

It’s a super group of people.

As usual a great session and as usual I really felt the benefit.

I enjoy everyone having the chance to say a few words and ‘connect’.

Hatha Yoga & Relaxation @ Zoom
Feb 24 @ 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Shake, stretch, bend, twist, flow, release and realign. Progressively slow mind & body. Come into stillness. Reconnect with your essence.

I arrived in class with great anxiety now it’s in perspective and it really isn’t important!

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions
Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)
If there is space you may join part way through term.

Cost £180.00 for the course payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Friendly, stress/trauma/recovery sensitive, to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrivals from 10 minutes before start – chat and tech time.

Sessions include:

  • Mindful movement with the rhythm of your breath.
  • Postures and sequences flowing from movement to stillness.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives as needed.
  • Yoga breathing techniques to energise, relax and refocus.
  • Relaxation to energise and re-vitalise and integrate your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

You will:

  • Feel energised, calm and a sense of well-being
  • Find freedom and flexibility in body and mind.

Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.

Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

This is a very friendly, supportive group which works at its own ability, without competition:

  • Ideal for those looking for a balance of postures and relaxation.
  • Holistic – supporting body, mind/emotions and spirit.
  • Moderately energetic.

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

A lovely combination of slow movement, stretches and deep relaxation

After class I feel:

Welcomed, calm, relaxed, energised, peaceful, expanded, supple, supported, very happy, weightless, nice, calmer, looser, strong, amazing, positive, supple, reborn, lighter, motivated, thankful, settled, grounded, tingly, really good, more awake, better,  less tired, in my body, I have worked lots of areas that needed it. I have been put back together again. I will sleep really well tonight. I am not as tired as when I started.

Feedback from group members:

I feel like I had a massive hug, warm, safe, calm and relaxed

Yoga let’s the tiredness out, I yawn and yawn then suddenly I feel energised and alive.

All my tension has been wrung out!

In an hour we are completely changed people. From mind 19 to the dozen to calm, relaxed and recharged.

If I hadn’t have found your classes I am not sure how I would have got through very difficult times. FACT!

I find it easier and easier to be in the moment.

The micro movements reach places that aren’t otherwise accessed.

I appreciate the options you suggest.

I feel revived, connected and light

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING.

I had a mad day and feel loads better now.


stress, trauma, recovery sensitive yoga

Yoga Wye ValleyTrauma Informed



Next course starts Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions


  • £168.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.
  • If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.
  • If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.


I feel both re-energised and deeply relaxed.

My shoulder wasn’t right, it is much better now.

I feel I have really slowed down and relaxed.

I had the biggest off load of heaviness!

Thanks for the class, I’m feeling much better today and more stable.

Thank you Suzan and for all you are doing to help us stay sane in these odd times.

Not quite sure what you did yesterday in the yoga session but woke up this morning feeling really positive with energy and most productive day I’ve had in weeks, thank you.

I was aching and hot and didnt think I would enjoy the class, now I feel better and relaxed.

The session woke up parts that were sleepy from Christmas.

I feel at peace, calm.

The class was lovely, so lovely, it’s always just what I need 🙂

I almost didn’t come and am SO glad I did.

You have been a shining star when my life has been dark.

Knowing your support is there in the background is so reassuring.

It helped sort fuzziness in my head.

The stretches felt really powerful.

My back spasm had gone by the end of the session.

My shoulder feels better.

I feel fantastic now..

I have loosened up, I didn’t realise how tight I was!

The twisting was really good for my back.

You think you are ok but after class realise just how much you need yoga!

The class is always really good.


Yoga Therapy/Healing @ Online Yoga Sanctuary
Feb 27 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Yoga can support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges. In-fact Yoga sees all aspects of us as interrelated. It recognises that what is going on in the mind and emotions has a powerful effect on the body. But there are no prerequisites. Classical yoga is nothing to do with weight, shape/size and experience. If you can breathe you can practice yoga.

Yoga accepts us just as we are right NOW! 

Yoga has a wealth of information and tools. It invites curiosity with an open mind. We are invited to question and review our thoughts, assumptions and habits.

I will be delighted to help you find the right practice to move towards your goal.

My intention is to support and guide you based on 20+ years of years of experience and my intuitive gift. I will listen. We will collaborate. The result is a personally designed practice and an audio/video home practice to support you between meetings. This will be reviewed and updated as you are ready.

On the way you may discover that what you thought you needed has changed. Many report their goal was a way to get started. What they discover they need are practices to relax, engage the mind or settle the nervous system AND flexibility, core strength, ability to perform certain postures are a welcome by product!

Yoga is a holistic practice for healing and transformation.

Suzan is a Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapist, a Sound Healing Therapist and practitioner of alternative energy practices.

Single session – 90 minutes £95.

Block of 6 sessions each 60 minutes £390.

Email to book / check availability / my schedule.

Chair Yoga @ Zoom
Mar 3 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A fun, friendly chair based yoga – mostly sitting some standing (using chair for support if needed). There is no lying,  kneeling or getting down and up from the floor. Suitable for beginners and those who want a safe, health and age appropriate practice. (current group age range 50’s to 80’s). Guidance, tips and reminders ensure your optimum benefit and safety. If you can breathe you can do yoga!

The class gives me more confidence with balance every day.

Next course starts 9th September ends 9th December 2024 – 14 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £150.00for 15 week course, payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course. EMAIL TO BOOK

Sessions include:-
  • Gentle stretching to ensure no strain on the joints
  • Breathing and relaxation
  • Personalised alternative movements


  • Maintain mobility, flexibility and balance
  • Support physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • Very friendly and welcoming
  • Social time (option to arrive 10 minutes early for a chat)

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

After class I feel:

Remarkably well, less achy, energised, more comfortable, proud, lively, supported, whole, peaceful, optimistic, relaxed, chilled, comfortably stretched, present, vibrant,  positive, rejuvenated, balanced, warm, stable, powerful, happy, strong, alive, quiet, freee, mellow, clear, stronger, present, more flexible, grateful, contemplative, supple, amazing, loved, more conscious, connected, self-aware,  beautiful, focused, calm, smooth, restored, peaceful, grounded, still, serene, aware, stress-free, more focused, content, so much better, I’ve come home.


My hands were so painful at start of class, it’s all gone now!

I arrived feeling depleted and tired and leave feeling energised, Thank you!

My wrists were very stiff at the start of the session and are much looser now.

I love the way we micro exercise our whole body.

My knees felt better at the end of class.

I can’t believe how amazing I feel after doing these little movements.

The deep breathing eased my pain.

I feel brand new.

I feel strong, confident, energised and balanced.

Please wear loose clothing for unrestricted movement.


Chair Yoga On Zoo


Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.




The class was both invigorating and relaxing.

Amazing how powerful micro movements are, it felt quite a workout!

I am much more conscious of my body and where it is.

I am surprised I managed as much as I did.

The session helped tremendously especially with my neck.

I feel several inches taller!

I enjoyed every moment.

The highlight of the week.

I feel lighter, a weight has lifted.

It was a very special session, I feel deeply peaceful and calm.

I was very conscious of what supported my body!

I was surprised I could do so much.

I was in so much pain when I arrived and it has all gone.

I found the whole class helpful.

I feel both energised and relaxed.

My knees feel better than when I started class.

I felt the energy and feel vibrant and alive.

Joining your yoga class is the best thing I have done all year!

Gentle Yoga & Relaxation @ Zoom
Mar 3 @ 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm

Gently move to the rhythm of your breath, just as far as is right for you today. No pressure, right or wrong instead what will be of most benefit to you. Rest when needed. Let the earth support your body. Unite with your inner wisdom/knowing  to find a calm sense of well-being.

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2024 – 15 sessions

Cost £180.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details.

Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Gentle stress, trauma, and recovery sensitive practices to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrive up to 10 minutes before we start for a chat and tech support.

Sessions include:

  • Slow, mindful movement and breathing calms body and mind.
  • Lying postures support therapeutic, strength and flexibility as needed.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives.
  • Yoga breathing techniques for energy balancing, mindfulness and peace.
  • Relaxation to energise re-vitalise and integrate the rewards of your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

This group is:

    • Restorative and gentle.
    • An holistic practice to calm your nervous system and restore a sense of well-being to body, mind/emotions and spirit.
    • Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.
    • Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

“Only by getting in touch with your body, by connecting viscerally with your self, can you regain a sense of who you are, your priorities and values.” BESSEL VAN DER KOLK – THE BODY HOLDS THE SCORE

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

The best thing about yoga is:-

Relaxing, stretching, sanity, life saver, makes me think about my body, being a whole person, personal space and me time, restful, breathing, meditation, peaceful, connection.

After class we feel:-

Beautifully stretched, enlivened, nourished, balanced, upbeat, supple, peaceful, settled, relaxed, calm, amazing, grounded, alive and tingly, rejuvenated, fabulous, better, awake, looser, more positive, strong, confident, energised, rejuvenated, stable, in my body, ready to try the next thing, so different from when I arrived. In my body :)!


I need this to do everything else in my day!

My anxiety has subsided, thank you.

So good to feel nicely stretched after a day sitting at a computer

My frozen shoulder from Rota cuff surgery is better since I joined your yoga class!

The classes are very supportive and beneficial.

I had a beautiful emotional release, tears flowed and now I feel WONDERFUL

Amazing how powerful micro movements can be, it felt quite a workout! and meant I continue classes with my injury.

So much more than a yoga class.

I feel the benefit and improvement each week.

A great way to start the week.

That was a really nourishing practice, perfect for this time of year, thank you.

My shoulders feel free and amazing.

It’s amazing you can do so much lying down.

I have much more room my lungs….

My eyes were sore when class started and now they are not :).

I didn’t know my body needed some of the movements – I did and feel a lot better.



Online Yoga Berkhamsted, London, Aylesbury HP19 8SR

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th January 2025 – 15 sessions. Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)

Cost £180.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.

If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.



I’m feeling the love

I notice small improvements each week

That was absolutely just right

I loved the refinement in the moves

I like the different ways we notice and move the body

I worked bits that needed moving.

I went to a lovely place in relaxation.

Many thanks for all your support; it makes such a difference.

As the class progressed I felt negative energy releasing.

I twinged my back yesterday, after todays session it feels fine.

The classes always hit the spot with whatever I am struggling with.

I feel I have worked every part of my body.

The class brought me down from all the stress I have been feeling.

I really enjoyed the class and feel so much better.

I love the variety. Every week there are movements that are particularly useful.

I am more centred and relaxed.

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING!

So much more than a yoga class.

I will really miss the classes over the summer.

Best nights sleep is yoga night.

I really feel so relaxed at the end of the class and it makes me feel ‘glad to be alive’!

The class really is the highlight of my week!

I feel alive now.

I am set up for the working week.

I feel life is a little less hectic now.

My shoulder (mouse hand) is a lot looser.

My headache has gone now.

I feel set up for a busy week, very balanced.

I feel rejuvenated and peaceful.

My shoulders and neck are now free, when I arrived they were set and tense.

It’s a super group of people.

As usual a great session and as usual I really felt the benefit.

I enjoy everyone having the chance to say a few words and ‘connect’.

Hatha Yoga & Relaxation @ Zoom
Mar 3 @ 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Shake, stretch, bend, twist, flow, release and realign. Progressively slow mind & body. Come into stillness. Reconnect with your essence.

I arrived in class with great anxiety now it’s in perspective and it really isn’t important!

Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions
Recording available if you miss a session (technology willing…)
If there is space you may join part way through term.

Cost £180.00 for the course payable on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.

Friendly, stress/trauma/recovery sensitive, to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Live, online, in-person group. Arrivals from 10 minutes before start – chat and tech time.

Sessions include:

  • Mindful movement with the rhythm of your breath.
  • Postures and sequences flowing from movement to stillness.
  • Individual adaptations and alternatives as needed.
  • Yoga breathing techniques to energise, relax and refocus.
  • Relaxation to energise and re-vitalise and integrate your practice.
  • Sharing time for connection and community.

You will:

  • Feel energised, calm and a sense of well-being
  • Find freedom and flexibility in body and mind.

Suitable for all ages, sizes and levels of experience.

Booked as a course so we can get to know one another and feel comfortable asking for alternatives, sharing and interacting with group members (optional).

This is a very friendly, supportive group which works at its own ability, without competition:

  • Ideal for those looking for a balance of postures and relaxation.
  • Holistic – supporting body, mind/emotions and spirit.
  • Moderately energetic.

Benefits of meeting online

  • I attend far more classes now you are online.
  • I like not having to drive.
  • It is so easy; I just go into my living room.
  • Health issues mean I feel safer at home.
  • I can choose whether to have my audio and camera on or off.
  • I can join late or leave early without disturbing the group

A lovely combination of slow movement, stretches and deep relaxation

After class I feel:

Welcomed, calm, relaxed, energised, peaceful, expanded, supple, supported, very happy, weightless, nice, calmer, looser, strong, amazing, positive, supple, reborn, lighter, motivated, thankful, settled, grounded, tingly, really good, more awake, better,  less tired, in my body, I have worked lots of areas that needed it. I have been put back together again. I will sleep really well tonight. I am not as tired as when I started.

Feedback from group members:

I feel like I had a massive hug, warm, safe, calm and relaxed

Yoga let’s the tiredness out, I yawn and yawn then suddenly I feel energised and alive.

All my tension has been wrung out!

In an hour we are completely changed people. From mind 19 to the dozen to calm, relaxed and recharged.

If I hadn’t have found your classes I am not sure how I would have got through very difficult times. FACT!

I find it easier and easier to be in the moment.

The micro movements reach places that aren’t otherwise accessed.

I appreciate the options you suggest.

I feel revived, connected and light

I wasn’t coming because I felt down and so tired, now I feel AMAZING.

I had a mad day and feel loads better now.


stress, trauma, recovery sensitive yoga

Yoga Wye ValleyTrauma Informed



Next course starts Next course starts 6th January ends 14th April 2025 – 15 sessions


  • £168.00 payment on booking. If a monthly payment plan helps with finances please contact me for details. Pro-rata if joining midway through course.
  • If you will benefit from the classes, are committed to attend regularly and have a genuine financial issue please donate what you can – this is confidential – please email me to reserve your place. Please respect this policy and keep for those in genuine need.
  • If you feel inspired to ‘sponsor ‘a full or part place this will be gratefully received. Simply add to your payment.

Booking is for full term, fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to commit to a regular weekly class please contact Suzan to discuss 1-2-1 options.


I feel both re-energised and deeply relaxed.

My shoulder wasn’t right, it is much better now.

I feel I have really slowed down and relaxed.

I had the biggest off load of heaviness!

Thanks for the class, I’m feeling much better today and more stable.

Thank you Suzan and for all you are doing to help us stay sane in these odd times.

Not quite sure what you did yesterday in the yoga session but woke up this morning feeling really positive with energy and most productive day I’ve had in weeks, thank you.

I was aching and hot and didnt think I would enjoy the class, now I feel better and relaxed.

The session woke up parts that were sleepy from Christmas.

I feel at peace, calm.

The class was lovely, so lovely, it’s always just what I need 🙂

I almost didn’t come and am SO glad I did.

You have been a shining star when my life has been dark.

Knowing your support is there in the background is so reassuring.

It helped sort fuzziness in my head.

The stretches felt really powerful.

My back spasm had gone by the end of the session.

My shoulder feels better.

I feel fantastic now..

I have loosened up, I didn’t realise how tight I was!

The twisting was really good for my back.

You think you are ok but after class realise just how much you need yoga!

The class is always really good.


Yoga Therapy/Healing @ Online Yoga Sanctuary
Mar 6 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Yoga can support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges. In-fact Yoga sees all aspects of us as interrelated. It recognises that what is going on in the mind and emotions has a powerful effect on the body. But there are no prerequisites. Classical yoga is nothing to do with weight, shape/size and experience. If you can breathe you can practice yoga.

Yoga accepts us just as we are right NOW! 

Yoga has a wealth of information and tools. It invites curiosity with an open mind. We are invited to question and review our thoughts, assumptions and habits.

I will be delighted to help you find the right practice to move towards your goal.

My intention is to support and guide you based on 20+ years of years of experience and my intuitive gift. I will listen. We will collaborate. The result is a personally designed practice and an audio/video home practice to support you between meetings. This will be reviewed and updated as you are ready.

On the way you may discover that what you thought you needed has changed. Many report their goal was a way to get started. What they discover they need are practices to relax, engage the mind or settle the nervous system AND flexibility, core strength, ability to perform certain postures are a welcome by product!

Yoga is a holistic practice for healing and transformation.

Suzan is a Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapist, a Sound Healing Therapist and practitioner of alternative energy practices.

Single session – 90 minutes £95.

Block of 6 sessions each 60 minutes £390.

Email to book / check availability / my schedule.