Whatever the challenge nature shows the way. We are part of the earth, inseparable. As we align with her heartbeat of the earth the body sighs from within.
Gaia, Pachamama, Mother Earth, sustains and nourishes. She’s the ultimate mother. Mimicking her rhythm of the light and dark resets our circadian rhythm.

Get out into daylight as early as possible. Even if it is raining you will benefit from a few minutes outside. AND avoid artificial light during the dark hours. Instead use soft light, think firelight, candles. The body regulates its sleep rhythms via sun. Sunlight signals the body to produce melatonin. Sun or artificial light in the evening can delay or reduce melatonin production negatively impacting sleep.
Here are my top 5 tips for optimizing sleep.
Circadian Reset the first step to restoring and maintaining a healthy sleep pattern.
Emotional Cleanse
Process active thoughts and emotions before bed – movement, music, journalling etc.
Conscious gently movement

Breathing techniques focusing on the exhalation
Sensory relaxation
Warm bath, foot massage with sesame oil
Aromas e.g. lavender,
Herbal tea – chamomile/valerian
Hum or listen to music with a slow tempo (60 to 80 beats per minute) without words
Palming the eyes – rub the hands and place palms over eyes resting on the orbit so there’s no pressure on eyes
Avoid for 2 to 3 hours before going to bed
Stimulating activities including conversations, books, going over upsetting events.
There’s a lot going on right now, extremes of weather and solar activity, conflict, fear and the unknown. Despite the best sleep hygiene, you may occasionally experience disturbed sleep. Gentle breathing or humming may lull you back to sleep. If you get up in the night keep light low and avoid anything stimulating.