The sound of your birth name transmits a frequency which begins the game of life! It magnetises situations and experiences to enable you to work through your karma, maximise your talents, fulfil your goals and ultimately your soul’s purpose. Pardon the pun… It’s not as easy as it sounds!! Work is involved… luckily, we have a lifetime, and sound is a great ally.
Sound (frequency) and intention create our reality. It’s a highly effective healing tool which positively impacts all levels from physical, emotional, spiritual. The beauty of the soul channelled through my voice is unlike anything I have previously experienced. I am in awe of its power and beauty.
Sound and the Voice can literally retune at a molecular level.
“In the early ‘80s, Fabien Maman conducted biology experiments at the University of Jussieu in Paris, showing the impacts of acoustic sound on human cells and their energy fields. What he found was that through a series of acoustic sounds, cancer cells would explode and healthy ones would become energized and empowered.”
From Star to Cell: The Way of the Soul — excerpts from article by Terres Unsoeld, Vision Magazine, Feb. 2005
Inspired by the work of French physicist Joel Sternheimer, Maman
“…found that if there was a problem in an organic structure, the molecules of that structure did not vibrate, but if they heard the string of notes they recognized as their tune, they began to vibrate again.”
The College of Sound Healing (where I trained) commissioned Scientific Research into the sound healing method they teach.
Sound for healing and diagnosis is innate and instinctive to us all. We hear how someone is by the tone of their voice, use soothing sounds to settle babies. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound to produce internal images. It’s been used in obstetrics since the mid 1900’s. Sound frequency is used to treat kidney stones by the NHS.
In yoga we use humming (bhramari pranayama) to calm, reset and relax. Sound vibrates the vagus nerve quickly and effectively returning the nervous system to a regulated, rest and digest state. Humming increases Nitric Oxide (NO) production by 15-fold. NO has a strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral effect

Naad Yoga is the science of inner transformation through tone and sound. Sanskrit is one of the ancient languages said to emanate from source. The Mantras use specific sound syllables that create healing vibrations. and give access to different levels of consciousness. Each time we chant a mantra we connect to the accumulated energy of all those who have chanted before.

Chanting or toning OM/AUM connects us with source, the unknowable. There are 4 equal parts – ah, ooo, mmm and silence – representing the beginning, middle, end and the field of potential and possibility. If you are used to a long mmm and no silence experiment with adding this 4th phase. The silence is the place where integration happens.
Chanting works through the movement of the tongue in the mouth. Here it
Activates 84 meridians! (64 meridians in the hard palate and 20 in the soft palate).
Directs prana to wherever it is needed in the body.
Calms your mind and emotions
Stimulates the secretion of chemical messengers which stimulates signals to the brain –
the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland have the potential to awaken your consciousness.
It’s a great workout for the facial muscles too!
Explore incorporating sound in your day – in the shower, before meditating, with movement. Humming or oming are a great starting point. A simple chant you may be familiar with is
Om shanti, shanti, shanti,
peace and peace and peace.
Peace for self, family/ friends, the world etc.
Imagine we all chant this 3 times every day. The frequency of peace will envelop the globe.
Like any healing it is important to remember to ground and bubble your energy at the end of a session.
If you want to explore further contact Suzan.