The most effective YOGA pose for fatigue, stress & reducing pain

When I am in the midst of admin or had a long day I so need to do this pose and want to share with you. I find a few minutes a day is life changing ! What are the triggers or times when you really need a quick pick me up? This one pose can:

  • Energy levels increase
  • Calmness develops
  • Digestion improves
  • Immune system is supported
  • Clarity and decision making become easier
  • Pain is often reduced or eliminated
  • Relaxation replaces tensions throughout the body
  • Breath settles supporting all body systems
  • Creates a sense of well-being

Drum roll…. Ta dah! The most effective YOGA pose for fatigue, stress & reducing pain is a modified savasana – semi supine – lying with knees bent and feet on the floor!

The most effective YOGA pose for fatigue, stress & reducing pain - semi-supine savasana - calm - relax - flexibility - core strengthTips:

  • If you are not comfortable getting up/down from the floor, practice on your bed or in a chair.
  • If it is more comfortable lie on your side and experiment with a cushion between your knees – in 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy lie on left side.
  • Place a small book or cushion under your head to lengthen the back of the neck. You want the ear to be parallel to the floor.


Regular practice results gives fastest results. Your body will associate this pose with all the positive benefits.

  • Start with 3-5 minutes once a day
  • Build to 5 minutes twice a day
  • Longer if experiencing fatigue, anxiety, aches and pains, try 20 minutes 2 or 3 times daily.

What to do/think about:

  • Stay present and awake if possible
  • Notice – without judgement
  • What sensations are in your body?
  • How is your breath?
  • Where does your mind want to go?

The practice will be just as it is meant to be:

  • You may notice nothing or many things
  • There may be resistance
  • You may want to zone out or sleep
  • Keep returning to the ‘now’ your body on the mat

The more you return to the present moment the deeper the practice. It’s about being real with whatever shows up. I would love to hear how you get on please contact me.